Hawaiianska hälsningar

Sitter här i syrrans indiantröja, med jeans och svart linne. Känner mig riktigt risig. Skulle framför allt behöva en dusch, men det får bli i morgon. Har haft en sån konstig känsla i flera månader nu, förvirrad och tom i skallen. Tänker på en sak , glömmer bort vad och sedan är jag alldeles virrig. Apoteket nästa; vitaminpiller? Vad som gjorde mig lyckligare var ett mejl som jag fick ikväll, det var från Pia & hennes familj som förhoppningsvis kommer att bli mina värdar under min vistelse i Hawaii. Dem verkar vara rent ut sagt underbara.  Så här såg mitt första mejl ut från henne.

Hello Petra!


This is Pia from Hawaii sending you big greetings from the land of pineapples and live volcanoes.  Thank you so much for your introduction letter.  You sound like a wonderful girl and I’m very eager to meet and host you in September.  I sent you a letter a few weeks ago, introducing myself and my family and I’m wondering if you received it.  If not, I’ll resend the letter to you.    Let me know and I’ll follow up right away.   You are going to have a fabulous time in Hawaii!  


Alohas from Pia

Jag svarade på det och sa att mejlet inte hade kommit fram, efter drygt en timma trillade det in ett nytt brev.

Hello Petra,

We live in a single story house with three bedrooms and two bathrooms, a large yard with a pool and fruit frees and two dogs and a few cats that live in our garage.  We have three children as follows:  Thomas is eleven, Louis is nine and Mary Jean is 8 years old.  They are active kids, always involved in something interesting and they keep me totally busy.  All three attend a school called Assets for dyslexic or gifted children.  They arise at 5:45am and leave the house by 6:40 to catch the bus to school.  I am usually back from the bus stop by 7:00am and head out for one of the hiking trails to take in a one to two hour morning hike. 

I stopped teaching as of this year so the rest of my day evolves around house projects and other mother duties.  I fetch the children at 3:30pm from the bus stop.  They either do homework or head off to one of their sports practices.  My boys played in-line hockey for two years and are debating whether they want to return to the rink for a third year.  My daughter loves art and this is the year that I promised to get her involved with art classes outside school.  The weekends are generally taken up with their games, social activities or yard work.  We wont’ have a routine in place until my kids pick out their sports programs for the year. 

My husband is a harbor pilot and works for two solid weeks and then is off duty for two full weeks.  The job rotation takes place on a Tuesday.  In September, he goes off duty for two weeks starting on Tuesday, the 5th.  He will be leaving town though for a one week seminar in Northern California.  He is very easy going.  Barry loves doing house projects and playing with his children. 

We are somewhat health conscience – no one smokes and we attempt to eat large portions of fresh vegetables and home cooked wholesome meals.   


About our neighborhood:  We live a few blocks away from a great beach in a neighborhood called Kahala.  The Kahala Mall is walking distance and features Macy’s department store, a large book store and several chain stores, including Starbucks.  We also live very close to a world class resort called the Kahala Hilton Beach Resort or something like that.  The hotel was recently purchased and the name changed from the Kahala Mandarin to something that no one seems to be able to remember.  It’s a gorgeous resort though.  We are very near Waikiki Beach and the famous Diamond Head crater.


On a personal note, I also love to write and I have a passion for photography although you would never guess this since I haven’t owned a decent camera in over a year so I’m way behind on the documentation of my children’s “growing up” years.  I’m not a big fan of the digital movement and secretly wish we were back in the good old film camera days. When I did work, I was a math teacher at a local community college.  I enjoy sports and cooking and hanging out with my family.   


I hope this gives you a good idea of who we are.  If you send me your flight itinerary, I will meet you at the airport with a real Hawaiian lei and drive you back to my place.  If you have any other questions about us, please don’t hesitate to ask.  We really look forward to meeting and hosting you…


With much aloha from Pia Solywoda

Jag tycker att det låter alldeles för BRA för att få vara sant. Barnen är i bra åldrar, mamman jobbar inte just nu så jag kommer inte att behöva jobba så mycket. Alla verkar vara aktiva, promenerar om morgnarna och äter bra mat. Kanske man kan passa på att bli lite fit på samma gång då, haha. Poolen, trädgården och djuren.. Jag kommer att stormtrivas. Som hon sa, hon ska möta upp mig på flygplatsen med ett sådant där blommigt halsband.


Postat av: Emma

Låter ju alldeles alldeles underbart Petra!
När var det du skulle åka nu igen?
Kommer sakna dig. Men du kommer ha the time of your life tror jag! Puss Puss gumman, vi kan väl ses snart!

Postat av: Jimmy

Tänk om man ändå vore där... -Suckar längtande- :) /J

2006-07-31 @ 11:58:46
URL: http://www.fotoaffischer.se
Postat av: Anna

Det kommer säkerligen bli ett minne i sig, precis som Jersey är. Ha det så roligt :) Kramar//Anna

2006-08-05 @ 21:35:06
URL: http://setturmittperspektiv.blogg.se

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